
Church of the Redeemer

Celebrating Love. Doing Justice.

Who We Are

Two women putting up an all gender bathroom Curve

We seek a world where ALL of God’s creation is celebrated and cherished.

Ageless Ritual Icon
Ageless Ritual; Modern Thinking

Redeemer is a landmark in the Morristown community. Our diversity is our wealth. Our questions and dreams, rather than our answers, unite us.

Read More>
A Space For everyone icon
A Space for Everyone

We were the first church in the state of New Jersey (in 1940) to host an AA meeting and are proud to have been blessing and marrying LGBTQ+ couples since 1991. But it doesn’t stop there! We have weekly Sunday worship, various activities and groups to join, and year-round community events.

Check it out>
Curve Homecoming 2016

Exciting Things Are Happening!

The Season of Pentecost at the Church of the Redeemer

Sunday, July 28, summer hours at 9:30 a.m.
Jody Caldwell, Presider and Preacher

In-person and Zoom

The Church of the Redeemer is a Christian Liberation Community in the Episcopal Tradition.
Since the 1990s we have commemorated certain events with special services.
These include: Martin Luther King Jr. Sunday, Recovery Sunday, Women’s Journeys, Men’s Journeys, Genocide
and Holocaust Remembrance Sunday, Transgender Day of Remembrance, and Liberation (Pride) Sunday.


Upcoming Events

July 2024

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
  • Zen meeting- Zoom meeting
  • Serendipity Stitchers - Parlor
  • Zen- OPEN Upper Room
  • Zen meeting- Zoom meeting
  • Zen meeting- Zoom (except 2nd Saturday 7:00am - 2:00pm)
  • AA Sat. Nite Live MTG - Parish Hall
  • Zen Meditation- UMR
  • AA mtg - Parish Hall
  • Zen meeting- Zoom meeting
  • Vestry - Online
  • Serendipity Stitchers - Parlor
  • Zen- OPEN Upper Room
  • Zen meeting- Zoom meeting
  • Zen OPEN Zazenkai 2nd Saturday
  • Zen meeting- Zoom (except 2nd Saturday 7:00am - 2:00pm)
  • AA Sat. Nite Live MTG - Parish Hall
  • Zen Meditation- UMR
  • AA mtg - Parish Hall
  • Zen meeting- Zoom meeting
  • Zen Workshop UMR
  • Serendipity Stitchers - Parlor
  • Zen- OPEN Upper Room
  • Worship Committee
  • Zen meeting- Zoom meeting
  • Zen meeting- Zoom (except 2nd Saturday 7:00am - 2:00pm)
  • AA Sat. Nite Live MTG - Parish Hall
  • Zen Meditation- UMR
  • AA mtg - Parish Hall
  • Zen meeting- Zoom meeting
  • Zen - UMR (6pm Start)
  • Serendipity Stitchers - Parlor
  • Zen- OPEN Upper Room
  • Zen meeting- Zoom meeting
  • Zen meeting- Zoom (except 2nd Saturday 7:00am - 2:00pm)
  • AA Sat. Nite Live MTG - Parish Hall
  • Zen Meditation- UMR
  • AA mtg - Parish Hall
  • Zen meeting- Zoom meeting
  • Serendipity Stitchers - Parlor
  • Zen- OPEN Upper Room

Read the current Vestry notes here.


This Monday! July 29 – We will discuss NORTH WOODS by Daniel Mason. This magisterial and highly inventive novel from Pulitzer Prize finalist Daniel Mason brims with love and madness, humor and hope. Following the cycles of history, nature, and even language, North Woods shows the myriad, magical ways in which we’re connected to our environment, to history, and to one another. It is not just an unforgettable novel about secrets and destinies, but a way of looking at the world that asks the timeless question: How do we live on, even after we’re gone?

August 26 – Traveling Mercies by Anne Lamott

September 30 – The Women by Kristin Hannah

The Serendipity Stitchers extend a warm welcome to you.

Our dates: 8/6,and 8/20 and On Zoom – 8/27 Please contact Veronica for the link

We’d be delighted for you to join us. We offer yarn, needles, hooks, instruction, and engaging conversation—and sometimes cookies! Please contact Veronica for more information and the link for Zoom.

Earth Ministry & Environmental Sustainability A counter-thought for our heat and humidity: Did you know that people with disabilities, including vision impairment, can go skiing, white water rafting, and kayaking?

Here’s some great justice work of inclusion! Our hero this week, for July’s Disability Pride Month and the environment, is an organization dedicated to offering safe and accessible outdoor adventures and environmental education.  With an office based in San Francisco, and a course area in the Sierra Nevada and surrounding bay area waterways, the non-profit Environmental Traveling Companions, was founded in 1972, and has continued to grow, and become a model for accessible experiences in the natural world. I volunteered with the ski program for a few winters and my friend took several sea kayak trips with them. Get to know their transformational work and ministry at

  • Shop and Eat fresh, healthy, and local! The Morristown Farmers Market is in full swing, whether you are interested in produce like Jersey fresh corn, berries, and tomatoes, or if you might like locally made cheese, meats, fresh fish, pickles, pies, tea, eggs, honey and more! Conveniently, you can go before or after worship, as it is around the block from church on Sunday mornings, 8:30 AM-1 PM. Also, if you want a listing of NJ Farmers Markets, see

Garden of Hope: We are about to start making donations to the Table of Hope from our Garden of Hope right here at church! Special thanks to Candace, Anita, and Madeleine for watering and tending the garden, and Allyson, our Garden Guide to show us the way. We are grateful to be able to work co-creatively with nature and the natural forces to grow veggies for our local siblings who need fresh, local, organic produce, in a wonderful, justice-infused way of following the teachings of Jesus. If you would like to join us in our Food Security Ministry, in small or large ways, see Peg on Sunday or email her at pegonplanetearth(at)

  • Our next garden work sessions are Saturday mornings, 8/10 and 8/24, from 8-10AM. Join us!
  • We want your used coffee grounds! Our compost needs some feeding, so bring your used coffee grounds to church and give them to Peg or a garden volunteer. You can contribute easily in this way!


Rev. Cynthia Black
The Rev. Cynthia Black, D.D., Rector (Retired)

Welcome to Redeemer! We are not just a building in the community– we are a community! We gather online and in person for worship, in person to participate in activities like our Garden of Hope food security ministry or helping clean up the Whippany River, and online for lively book discussions and forward-looking racial and ethnic reconciliation work. I would love to welcome you at any of these things, and hear what you are looking for.

Yours in faith,
The Church of the Redeemer


Spread the Word!

Stay up to date to keep in touch, and see how to get involved!
