
Recent Vestry Notes


Vestry Notes

Vestry Notes (week of 7/21/24)

Updates and housekeeping items from the vestry: Generally, the items in last week’s epistle are still outstanding. More to come

  1. The Vestry has interviewed a candidate for the position of part-time priest and we are continuing a dialogue with this person to help us determine whether they will be a good fit to guide us through our transition. The vestry does not take this responsibility lightly and we will share more as soon as we are able to do so.
  2. Ms. Cynthia’s memorial service will take place on August 10 at 10 AM at Redeemer. If you have further questions, please reach out to our Warden Brian Malcolm.
  3. The vestry has begun discussions with the diocesan standing committee to renew our five-year lease with Egan House. Stay tuned for further details.
  4. In case you missed it in previous epistles and are wondering about our roof, construction and repairs will begin in September.
  5. Last but not least, calling all Redeemerites who want to be part of strengthening, nurturing, and caring for our parish and space during this time of transition and beyond! We need you! All of you! If you feel called to be a part of the action, please let us know.  We need a treasurer and more people in every service ministry. Each and every one of us has something to offer. The vestry wants to thank everybody who is working so hard to make worship happen every week, from Tech Team to our Ushers, Readers, Prayer Leaders, Celebrants, the Vestry, staff, and more.

Melissa Allman, Vestry

Vestry Members: Brian Malcolm, Warden, Melissa Allman, Jennifer Corrieri, Agnes Clyne, Leslie Harden, Barbara Shannon, Paul Cecala.
