The Garden of Hope helps provide fresh vegetables to the Table of Hope, a feeding ministry at our sibling church, Bethel Church of Morristown. Redeemerites plan, plant, weed and water to help reduce food insecurity in Morristown.

Garden of Hope

The Serendipity Stitchers
The Serendipity Stitchers group meets on most Tuesdays starting at 1:30 pm in the parlor of the parish house or on Zoom. Email the office for details when they are meeting. Members of this group crochet and knit items for outreach projects, including scarves and hats for soup kitchen guests and infant/children’s blankets for Project Linus. It’s not necessary to know how to knit or crochet to join the group–we welcome newcomers with an interest to learn!

Zen Meditation Group
The Empty Bowl Zendo meets 2-3 times each week in the upstairs meeting room of the parish house. Meditation is taught by experienced teachers, and an introductory session is offered once a month for beginners.
For more information, email or visit

Youth Activities
Sunday School at Redeemer is a celebration of the Creator and the Creation. It’s often loud and occasionally messy—but rarely boring! We don’t sit still very often. Stories are enacted and art is created to help us more fully understand God’s love for us and our world.
Church School happens in the wide-open space of the Parish Hall in the Parish House. Church School begins at 10:30 a.m., and the children are returned to their adults in the Church building in time to receive communion together.
Our weekly experience is intended for kids five-ish and older. We work hard to make sure our crafts, activities, and stories are engaging and age-appropriate. We also celebrate the presence of our high-school aged friends as helpers. They are treated with appropriate dignity, assist in the class, and are viewed as role models and heroes by our younger kids.
Each week is a self-contained experience. Our assumption is that our children and youth lead complicated lives and perhaps weren’t here the week before.
Among the many activities Church School students will experience this year:
Marveling at the beauty and complexity of creation
Affirming the joint-tenancy of the globe that we share with all other plants and animals
Celebrating the existence of diversity both in the gene pool and the human family
Learning bible stories
Practicing our caretaking skills with each other and the world.
Our Sunday School may be of particular value to you if you are combining faiths within your family because we are nimble enough to accept suggestions from you about traditions you would like us to help our students understand and enjoy. We also provide an affirming experience for kids who come from single-parent households or families with same-sex parents (it seems kind of funny to have to put this in writing, but we want to make it clear!).
If your child is too young for Sunday School, he or she will always be welcomed in our Sunday services. You are welcome—no, you are begged—to bring your infant or toddler to any Redeemer activity, including the Eucharist. Sleeping in the pew, standing on the cushion, and “singing” along with the hymns are all actions which help youngsters to become more comfortable within the family that is the Church. No sound a baby makes is ever out of place at Redeemer.

Book Group
A group that meets each month and loves to talk about what we read. We always have lively discussion– even when the book we’ve read isn’t our favorite! We meet over Zoom so that all members can easily participate, typically in the evening of the last Monday of the month.

Sacred Ground Racial Reconciliation
Sacred Ground is a film- and readings-based dialogue series on race, grounded in faith. Redeemerites are invited to walk through chapters of America’s history of race and racism, while considering threads of family story, economic class, and political and regional identity. Sacred Ground is part of Becoming Beloved Community, The Episcopal Church’s long-term commitment to racial healing, reconciliation, and justice in our personal lives, our ministries, and our society. It is open to all, and especially designed to help white people talk with other white people. Participants are invited to peel away the layers that have contributed to the challenges and divides of the present day – all while grounded in our call to faith, hope and love.

Justice Team
Our Justice Team helps organize our justice efforts and coordinates our corporate response to the injustices we see and experience in the world around us. We meet monthly to determine priorities, pray for peace, publicize rallies and do our part to make sure that we are living our faith.

Worship Committee
Working with our clergy, our Worship Committee helps to plan the worship that is an integral part of our identity. We meet monthly to review liturgies and worship practices, make recommendations to the clergy about changes, and consider ways to involved more people in leadership. At our core we are regularly asking ourselves, “Does how we worship reflect and enable who we want to be as Episcopalians and as people of faith?”